Happy Wellness to you,
Question: How many people live with or gather around people who smoke? Second hand smoke is one of the major determinants to lung cancer. This may be due to the exposures to toxins that are not just released from the tobacco plant, but the chemicals that enhance the taste of the cigarettes. The chemicals not only enhance the flavor, but prevents the cigarettes from becoming flavorless, thus, making the shelf-life last longer.
Health tip: if you work around smokers, live with smokers, or just want to protect those who you love from cancer; you may want to try an air purification system. Another prevention step would be to place green plants in common areas where smoking usually takes place. Green plants are natural air purifiers which may reduce some contaminates given off by cigarettes. I urge anyone who smokes to seek help from a local naturopath or a medical physician. Smoking cigarettes can be dangerous to your liver, lungs, brain, and kidneys. Take care and be in good health.
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