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My Integral Assessment

During this weeks assignment, We are giving an inside revelation of our lives to the public regarding our assessment of how we view ourselves as a human being.  In our textbook Integral Health, The Path to Human Flourshing it talks about taking our past experience, our goals, and relationships with other people and make the moments positive instead of negative.   This textbook is a real eye opener to ourselves and the perception that other see in us.  It is essential that we fix our emotions, improve our physical state of health, and our prayer lives in order to direct other to live such a life that promotes a healthy lifestyle.

After reading several chapter, I being to imagine how I was and what I can become as a son, an administrator and businessman, and a child of God.  How can I improve my relationship with other people? I would say that the areas that I will need to work on is organization skills and a positive outlook.  I am the type of person that will go to bat for other people that were hurt or that has been mistreated by other organizations but for myself I have to learn that it is not ok to submit or back down.

The exercise really makes total sense in reference to finding your weakness and with time perfecting them to become strenghts.  Through this course and with God's help and I am much more stronger in saying no to thing I don't want to happen.  I am more positive about myself image and able to stand up for myself (maybe a little to much lol). After I looked at the problem I searched for a solution by prayer and speaking positive thing to myself and that thing that bothered me.  I wake up daily and speak positive atributes into my life and discover the true talents that God has given me to share with other people.  I encourage you to reach inside and discover your weakness and write them down.  then after you have looked at them find ways to make them your strenghts because what may seem to be a weakness may be a strenght after all.

Dacher, Integral Health The Path to Human Flourishing, 2006


  1. Anthony,

    I too have learned a great deal about myself throughout this course. I have learned tools and techniques to be able to share with those around me and with my future clients. It is always a good thing when we are able to help others but it is always amazing when we can begin to help ourselves. This can help making opening the door for others a lot easier of a process. Learning to say no when needed is something that I need to work on as well. I like to think I have all the energy and time in the world when it comes to other people but the truth is, I use up all my energy on them and forget to save some for myself. I am learning just how important it is to also work on myself as well.

    Jessica Jones

  2. Anthony,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog. You have made me want to revisit this weeks exercise and allow myself to reap the benefits it has to offer. I will start tomorrow by waking up and spending a couple minutes reviewing my positive attributes. Actually my husband and I both plan to do this along with writing down what we feel our strength are and a weakness we would like to change. Thank you for such an upbeat and encouraging blog that worked better for me than the assignment this week.


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