Take and deep breath and let it out very slowly now open your eyes and ask yourself how do I feel? Breathing, we take it for granted every time we take in a deep breath. We tend to not think about it until we are no longer able to do it on our own. Breathing is an essential part of our relaxation and calmness in our everyday lives, we are not just aware of it. Breathing is the focal point of our health and wellness and in other activities such as mediation, yoga, and prayer. I really feel that the physical, spiritual, and mental aspects of a person are one. There is no one person that can live without one of these points in life. I believe as a caregiver and administrator that if a patient lacks a positive attitude and holds frustration, anger, and unforgiveness the patient will present with sickness and disease. In the CD from Integral Health, The Path to Human Flourishing written by E. Dacher, focuses on breathing and letting of all the tr...
In this blog space, we will cover every topic from health and wellness, to education, and even job search strategies that will alleviate the mind from worry and stress.