Good Morning Everyone,
I hope everyone is good and well in the land of the living. I have two job resources of an assisted living if anyone is interested. I also have some other job resources that I have just located. There are two job fairs that are going on right NOW!!! Let me know if you need assistance. There are resources that you can use if you need to apply for any opportunity online.
1. The public library - This is a taxpayer resource that is available to you. This resource you can print resumes, apply for jobs online using the computer equipment that is available to you, and you can use the free WiFi to search for jobs if you do not want to use the public equipment.
2. The resource center (The Workforce Commission) - This is a state taxpayer program that is available to you. The resource will allow you to have access to computer systems, fax machines, and even caseworker services if you need the extra motivation to seek employment. This resource also has class available for those who are seeking more interviewing skills, job search strategies, etc. This resource is NOT only for job seekers but also for those who just need extra skill to find a better job.
3. Linkedin Resources - This is a great way to get some cool advice from HR professionals who know what employers are looking for in potential candidates. There are a series of questions that most find difficult to answer, and so the presentation just gives you a little nugget of wisdom on how to answer the questions.
4. Non-profits Assistance - There are several nonprofits that are awarded funds to assist in job training and job search. The services provided are at no cost to you as a consumer. Take advantage of this service it is a blessing because there is not that many of them.
5. Employment Services and Headhunters - This is a service that could provide some incomes while the employer decides if h /she wants you to become a permanent employee. This can be a blessing/curse. The blessing part of it is that if you hate your employer or the environment is clicky and political you can opt out and start a new assignment right away. However, the curses are that if the employer does not see you in the future as an employee, they can let you go at any time .
These are just a few resources available to you as a transient professional who is seeking better employment. Depression is a common feeling among job seekers. So, keep looking until you find your dream job. Take care and be in good health.
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