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Mental Power

Good Afternoon,

It is so good to be in a position to make a positive change in the public health industry, love it. Do you believe everyone has internal talent(s)? Not the sort of talent to sing and dance but the talent to effectively communicate with others, the talent to discover real-world problems and find a best practice to solve it, or the ability to recognize a weakness and instead of being intimidated you become educated, now that is a talent. As a public health practitioner, my talent is to look for scientific best practices to enhance the health of those who are at risk for health disparities (deaths). I never would have thought in a million years that I would be a social research scientist but God enabled me to climb the academic latter. I say that to say this, believe it or not circumstances do get better and there is a way out of the hole called despair and crabs mentality (people who do not want to go anywhere and will keep you right beside them by any means necessary). I leave you with this, the mind can take you anywhere you want to go. Use your mental power to further the dream or goal you want to accomplish. Holding on to SOMEONE else's dream is not a divine destiny and it will kill your spirit (wanting what someone else has, envy). Make your own path and write your own story. NO matter how many times you FALL get up!!

Take care and be in good health.
Anthony W, Executive Administrator-Social Epidemiologist    


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