610. Uptown Blvd Suite 2000
Cedar Hill, Texas 75104
Food Borne Illness Prevention Tips:
Well PCDI, Its that time again to be thankful for all the things this life was able to give you (life, health, peace, etc). I also want to put out there to make sure that you are watching how long the food you are serving to many is cooked or kept out. I have a little short video that will help explain it. Remember these tips for the health and safety of your household. I also have videos that I teach on Food Microbiology and food borne illness prevention. Of course good hand washing is the best tip.
1. Ensure all mayo, eggs, or cream based mixtures or either iced down (2 hrs max) or refrigeration after use.
2. Make sure that cooked foods such as turkey (155 internal temp), ham (155 Internal temp), briskets or any beef (160-165 internal temp) , etc are properly cooked to the temp before serving. Salmonella sits on top of the meat and on the first layer. Escherichia Ecoli digs/bury itself in the meat fibers causing a stench and grayish color
3. Ensure that all meats that are left out must be refrigerated after reheated after 2 hr. Microbial bacteria sit on top of the meat (surface of the skin). Thus, when you cut it you are spreading it through out the meat.
4. Make sure that gravy, soups, etc are keep warm to prevent food borne illness. The serving spoons must be buried in the sauce itself because spores attach themselves to the serving spoon with 3-4 hours at room temp.
When using raw veggies ensure that you are using veggie wash or 2 parts distilled vinegar and 3 parts water (3 tablespoons vinegar and the rest water 1 cup). This will wash the residue(chemicals, pesticides, and even pickers poop) off the veggies. You can even let them sit for about 5 minutes. You will be surprise how much dirt is coming off the veggies and prevent shingella (causes bad diarrhea that last for 7 days but can be DEADLY for children and the elderly.
If you eat anything and suspect symptoms of food poisoning or intoxication (diarrhea, upset stomach, vomiting, blood stools, fever, sweats, fatigue) go to the nearest Emergency room for treatment. Food poisoning can be sever and deadly for seniors, children, or the immune compromised (cancer, Aids, or any other disease that may cause a strain on the immune system)
Take care and be in good health.
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