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Showing posts from 2016

Remembering the Past and Focusing on the Future

Happy Wellness Gang, It is a joy to do what you love.  The recent deaths and disappointments can really put a damper on our lives.  It almost seems that we begin to think what is going to happen in the future with our country and in our individual profession.  All that I can say is live life to the fullest as long as it does not hurt anyone or yourself.  Explore the world, explore your gifts and talents, or your dream to help inspire others.  One word of thought, when you being to sit in your rocking chair and you look over your life, what will it be?  Think about it.  Take care and be in good health. - Dr. A 

Research in Gerontology

“Health Services as a Health Promotion Intervention of Geriatric Patient in Low-income Neighborhoods” Happy Wellness to Everyone,       Getting some experience in researching something that I have a little passion for makes the research more personal.  The research I plan to do is related to the field of gerontology.  The research design will comprise of two models in which I find it pertinent to the study, the action research model and the environmental and holistic research theory.  I believe this will become the foundations of my research study in the future.  According to Taneli (2015), a theoretical framework that has informed much of the research in environmental gerontology in the past four decades has been proposed by Lawton and Nahemon (1973).  The foci portion of the research is to associate aging with the adaption to environmental factors.       In my study, I want to look at the medical and we...

Reprogramming Your Frontal Matter

Happy Wellness Everyone, It is such a beautiful day even though the day has just begun. Did you know that spoken words at the beginning of the day can forecast the events that will take place. Studies show that words that are spoken can impact the emotional state of a person. For example, if I said that today is going to be a good day, the chemicals (Serotonin and dopamine) in my brain will start to secrete causing me to stay positive and happy. However, those that speak negative about their day tend to become depressed and have high incidence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even most likely to contract colds and flu more often then their counterparts. There is much more research that needs to be done in this area of psychology but it is promising. It may seem silly but reward yourself with a positive quote or two each morning and meditate on the passage. The passage can be a bible scripture or a philosophical quote from the great intellectuals....