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Showing posts from 2014

Lung Cancer Prevention Suggestions

Happy Wellness to you,      Question: How many people live with or gather around people who smoke? Second hand smoke is one of the major determinants to lung cancer. This may be due to the exposures to toxins that are not just released from the tobacco plant, but the chemicals that enhance the taste of the cigarettes. The chemicals not only enhance the flavor, but prevents the cigarettes from becoming flavorless, thus, making the shelf-life last longer.       Health tip: if you work around smokers, live with smokers, or just want to protect those who you love from cancer; you may want to try an air purification system. Another prevention step would be to place green plants in common areas where smoking usually takes place. Green plants are natural air purifiers which may reduce some contaminates given off by cigarettes. I urge anyone who smokes to seek help from a local naturopath or a medical physician. Smoking cigarettes can be dangerous to your live...

Ebola and Society

Happy Wellness to Everyone,      This is a good day, but a sad day as well for the family of the Ebola patient who died this morning at Presby Hospital of Dallas. There is a lot of misconception of how he died, if he lied, or who's at fault. If he had lived, this guy would have faced criminal charges just for seeking help at the local hospital. Now with that said, do you believe that others who are sick are going to seek services after viewing what this patient went through. No, they will run scared causing a pandemic.      Yall, planes are landing, everyone is running panic, and if you have an African accent you are refused service. Ladies and Gentlemen this is called unnecessary PANIC. Yall, as spoken before, Ebola is a sensitive virus, it can not live outside the body. If you come in contact with body fluids use universal precautions (gloves) to clean it up. Ebola virus CAN NOT travel by air, The virus is too heavy (micro weight) to travel airborne....
Applications of Theory Management Science to Prevent Employee  Disruptions Organizational effectiveness is an art within the management sciences.  Applying evidence-based theories to the organization's infrastructure may produce sudden changes that could affect the performance of first line managers and subordinates.            The knowledge can be applied as a holistic venue by getting employees involve in the transition for change in departmental and/or the organization.  It is recommended that the Unitarian approach would be the best theory to apply in improving organizational effectiveness.  Management employees must focus on what’s best for the business and not their own biases.  Employees may express discontent with organizational change with protest, but overlooking the major component of company culture and existing policies and procedures may produce negative outcomes for the organization's future....