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Showing posts from June, 2012

PCDI Healthcare and Consultants of Texas Job Announcements

We are now activity recruiting for the following positions in our Dallas, Hawaii, and NYC offices.  We will be interviewing for these position immediately if the candidates meet the requirements for the position applied.  Most positions require a degree including field experience.  Experience in some of our position will meet degree requirements.
Good Morning PCDI Healthcare follower, It is such a beautiful morning here in Euless, Texas. I am so happy to announce that our Application for Home Healthcare in the State of New York City has passed and we are well on our way to providing care to many people that are in need. The application passed on the 7th of June by public review. We are striving not only to be the wal-mart of healthcare :) but also a service that patients can get good care, be free and open to talk to their caregivers, and receive bonus services (i will not reveal right now) that can cause the family to relax on us! You may check out our  PCDI Healthcare Facebook fan Page . or our website. This is the video of the second voting for PCDI Healthcare Services. Our company is mentioned in the first video BUT in this one we (PCDI Healthcare) is mention as batch number 1889-L (license). NYC Public Health Meeting  Take care and be in good health.